10 d’abril 2024


Dear penfriends, 

While we are waiting for your letters we want to tell you about the Musical theatre workshop we did on the school's English Day.

On the 15th of March we celebrated the English Day. 

First we went to the dining room and we met Maria, a professional dancing teacher. She told us to make a circle. Then she told us that we needed to warm up the body, the voice and the brain. She explained a little game called "Jump in. Jump out". It was very difficult and a lot of fun. We warmed up with different exercises.

After that she organized us in lines and later she taught us the coreography about the song "Happy" (6B) or the song "Don't start now" (6A). We chose the song in class many days before the English Day. Also we learned the lyrics and and we practiced singing it many times. 

Finally we had a chat with Maria and we asked her some questions. The class was very fun and Maria was very kind, polite and patient. 

Here are some videos where you can see us practicing and trying to do the choreography. It was difficult but we did it like professionals. 😅

18 de febrer 2024


We'd like to present these digital magazines that are the result of a long-term project the 6th grade students do in the "Let's Write" class. 

While half the class is doing "Let's Speak" with Mandy, our language assistant, the other half is doing "Let's Write" with their English teacher. Groups swap at about halfway through the school year. Here are some videos showing the first groups' writing efforts. 

16 de febrer 2024

Ens visita la Mariona

El dia 2 de febrer, la Mariona, la mediadora del nostre col·legi va venir a la nostra classe  6èB.

Vam fer moltes activitats sobre com ser mediador/a i lo difícil que és. També vam fer una activitat en què havíem de guiar un company fins un altre company amb cadires pel mig però ell tenía els ulls tapats.

Per últim vam fer una activitat en la qual havíem de passar pel camí dels conflictes i, amb les preguntes, ajudar-nos a resoldre'ls per nosaltres mateixos.

Roc i Laia G

Consells per a la persona mediadora.

El camí cap a la ressolució del conflicte.

15 de febrer 2024

4t - Celebrem Carnestoltes!

La setmana passada vam celebrar Carnestoltes a l'escola.

Les consignes de la setmana van ser:

  • Dilluns: Pentinat original

  • Dimarts: Que vull ser de gran (complement)

  • Dimecres: Pijama

  • Dijous: Anar elegants

  • Divendres: Disfressa (cada classe va escollir el seu tema)

El tema de 4t A van ser les pel·lícules: Willy Wonka, Harry potter i Star Wars

El tema de 4t B van ser els Dibuixos animats: Doraimon, Pokemon, Naruto

Va ser una setmana molt divertida!!!

Ivet, Marina i Sofia

13 de febrer 2024

4t - Anem al CosmoCaixa

Visitem al CosmoCaixa! 

El dia 2 de febrer, els alumnes de 4t vam anar al Cosmocaixa. 

Què hem fet al CosmoCaixa?Hem fet el taller de Creactivity. Hem visitat el museu i hem anat al bosc

inundat. També hem vist una exposició de dinosaures de la Patagònia. 

Quines activitats hem fet en el Creactivity?

  • Llum i ombra: hem jugat amb la làmpada a fer formes de colors.

  • Stop motion: hi havia ordinadors i unes càmeres a dalt on podíem

      agafar objectes i fer les mini pel·lícules.
  • Mecànica: podíem fer camins amb pals i fusta i tirar una “canica” (bala).

  • Tubs de vent: hi havia uns materials per construir coses que poden

      volar dins dels tubs d’aire.

Què hem vist al museu:Ens han ensenyat que era el pèndol i hem tingut temps per poder anar a

veure diferents activitats que hi ha; com per exemple: el globus, el bloc

de gel, la roda de bicicleta, etc. 

Com ens ho hem passat?Super mega bé, us recomanem anar al Cosmocaixa el museu

de la ciència.

Ivet, Marina i Sofia.

A post for our Italian penfriends: Carnival week at our school!

Dear penfriends,

We haven't contacted you since our video call. So this post is for you. 

Last week was a bit different. It was Carnival!!

Every day of the week before Carnival we came to school with a different thing. During 5 days, from Monday to Friday, we followed the carnival rules we chose in class.

On Monday we wore a special hair style. On Tuesday we wore an accessory about what we want to be when we grow up. On Wednesday we wore our pyjamas (some people also brought their stuffed animals and slippers). On Thursday we wore elegant clothes. And on Friday we wore a full costume. Every class chose a different topic for the costumes. Class 6A chose villains and class 6B chose sports. 

It was a lot of fun to see everybody wearing different clothes, accessories and costumes. And on Friday afternoon we had no class and had a party. 

But we think you are very lucky because our teacher said you had holidays!!!

Here are some photos! We hope to receive letters from you soon!!!

12 de gener 2024


Començem el trimestre canviant de tema a medi. Hem començat el tema dels aparells reproductors.
També hem començat una nova unitat a E.F: VOLEY 

A més a més aquest Divendres 12 de Gener votarem els delegats/des i començarem a prepara el carnestoltes que celebrarem el dia 9 de Febrer. 

Durant aquella setmana tindrem unes ordres que seguir decidides per nosaltres. 
(Que les decidirem aquest Divendres). 

Aquí us deixem un calendari amb totes les activitats programades per aquest mes de Gener: